Club Uepfly

Committed to the environment

We are Eco Uep!Fly

We are Eco Uep!Fly

In Uep!Fly, we demonstrate our commitment to the environment; our ATR72 twin-turboprop airplanes emit less CO2 than other airplanes. These are the most environmentally friendly airplanes, thanks to fuel savings and emission reduction. Every small gesture matters; we contribute our part to the environment.

Fly with us in 4 steps:

  • <p>Select route. We take you to 3 destinations</p>

    Select route. We take you to 3 destinations

  • <p>Choose a date for your trip</p>

    Choose a date for your trip

  • <p>If you are a resident, you get a discount</p>

    If you are a resident, you get a discount

  • <p>Make your payment 100% secure</p>

    Make your payment 100% secure

Traveling between islands has never been easier! UEP!FLY is here to make your everyday life easier.

You can buy your ticket now!

Our destinations


From 19.90€


From 19.90€


From 19.90€

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Security measures adopted by UEP!FLY

We are working to ensure a comfortable and healthy flight experience.

Recommendations and regulations for traveling

The use of face masks is mandatory at all times, including on board the aircraft.

We will inform you of possible access restrictions to terminal buildings, changes and/or flight modifications at all times via e-mail, social networks and at the terminal itself.

Move between islands safely

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